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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Barack Obama Recap

In 2008, Barack Obama made history by being the first African American President in the United States. With his 2008 campaign, Obama used the words "Hope" and "Change" which built high expectations for his 4 year term. As we move into his last year of his term, let's recap what has done on so far.
In 2009, Obama released the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The approximate cost of the economic stimulus package was estimated to be $787 billion at the time of passage. The Act included direct spending in infrastructure, education, health, and energy, federal tax incentives, and expansion of unemployment benefits and other social welfare provisions. Although there were a lot of mix reviews on the package, there are no sure answers if it was beneficial to the economy. 
In 2009 Obama also won the Nobel Peace prize for "Effort"

During Barack Obama's term he received tons of racist comments and backlash in public from congress members, black leaders, and entertainers as well. 

On May 1st 2011, Obama done something the former president could not do, he found and killed Osama Bin Laden, and brung thousands of troops back home.

During his time, the country has seen the highest unemployment rate at 10.2%

This month Obama released the Job Act. A lot of people don't know what is in this Act, so here is a quick analysis.
$78 billion in tax cuts for businesses:

$65 billion cut payroll taxes in half from 6.2% to 3.1% on first $5 million in payroll
and from 6.2% to 0 on first $50 million in wages for new hires
$5 billion for 100% expensing on new plants and equipment, available to both large and small firms
$8 billion for $4,000 tax credits to hire those unemployed more than 6 months

$105 billion for infrastructure projects

$50 billion for transportation projects
$10 billion for an infrastructure bank
$30 billion to modernize schools
$15 billion in neighborhood stabilization (keeping up properties that banks don't)
$35 billion to rehire teachers and first responders ($30 billion for teachers; $5 billion for first responders)

$175 billion to cut employee payroll taxes in half from 6.2% to 3.1%

$54 billion for unemployed

$49 billion for an extension of Unemployment Insurance
$5 billion for transitional work programs

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday, September 28th, shows that 22% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove.

After seeing the video and with the quick written recap. Do you think we expected too much of Obama's term? Was their too much on his shoulders before he entered his presidency. Could any one else have done a better job? What do you think of our President Barack Obama!?!?


  1. Oh no one wants to talk about nobama? No one cares I guess. What people may fail to realize is that presidents are not put in place to solve anything. They simply continue the work before their own term. I must say that yes, he had a heap of stuff to deal with when he started his term but so did bush. I was excited when he won the election but at the same time, I never really cut him breaks simply because he is "black." I listened to the things he claimed to stand for while he was running a few years back...and a lot of it he has failed to make good on. Yes, lots of troops have returned from Iraq but a lot are still deploying there. They are pulled from Iraq only to be sent elsewhere. The war will only expand as they are now trying to start trouble with Iran. The military budget is stupid exploded and citizens, with their tax dollars, and soldiers with their very lives, fund wars for private corporate interests. Next to none of this money makes it to the soldiers pockets. As an active duty soldier, I hardly made 1200 per month...yet I'm supposed to proudly "serve my country?" Fuck that shit. Nobama also cut retirement pay for veterans by over 65 percent! Wow! He also advocated a bill that would basically allow us to be charged for every breath we take! Honestly I have lost just about all hope in presidents but I've got my eye on Ron Paul...he is by the book constitutionally driven...the corporate media gives him no love because they fear this great man. They call him "radical." Oh what a day we live in when a man is considered radical because is for the constitution? Smh. I'm not surprised that there are zero comments on this thread but I applaud you guys for your efforts.

  2. Well Jane Doe we were having some technical difficulties last night and I could not post. But you probably right, there will not be many comments on this subject. I will say after looking at the recap video above, the man has done a decent job with the situation he came into. We all know it will take more than one or even two terms as well as several presidents to come to correct the issues with the US. My issue with Obama is the fact that he is black and hasn't targeted our community as a focus. Me personally if I become the CEO of a company I am putting my people on...im sorry but white people have done it for years. Of course they can say he is half white and black but damn that! In the public eye you are black and always will be. LOOK OUT FOR YOUR PEOPLE HOMIE!!!

  3. "WAKE UP" - Fishburne in School Daze. Valid comments thus far, probably the only few we'll get. But here I go.

    Has Obama done everything right, hell no! But I can applaud his effort. Everyone likes to focus on what the President is doing but the fact is, without the backing of congress and the senate, a President has minimal affect on your daily life. But we always need someone to blame; and black pres, there's no better target.

    Jane Doe, I feel you on that Ron Paul; last election he was the only other potential candidate that caught my attention outside of Obama & Clinton. But he has some stuff with him too. No one is perfect for the job, but in my opinion, America is looking for the "great whiten hope" to rescue the country. Personally, the President is my least concern. These congressmen getting paid to act like kids in a sandbox need to get it together. Right now, it just a lack of damn discipline.

  4. @Jane Doe I applaud your honesty.I myself have been a registered democrat, ran for office as a democrat, then did some research and realized i am a republican in every since of the word. The problem with us's is that any time one of us tries to shine we jump on the band wagon due to lack of representation. That dont mean its right. I feel he is doing the best job he can do in his position. America is all about money and until someone with some kind of business sense is in office the state of our economy will always be in question. Side note: when the twin towers fell I was not concerned about the people in those buildings(i have a B.S. in economics, underlying an MBA in Finance) but more concerned with the business in those buildings and what they stood for. Trading came to a halt. The economy almost collapsed. How the eff you going to be a super power when you stay messing up the church's money? The only color that matter is GREEN! Its funny how a brown man knows what gets to a what man the most!
